Easiest Chocolate Mousse

This is an easy one and surprisingly low in calories and less surprisingly Ah-mazing!
Prep time: 15 mins
Fridge Time: 90 mins
Serves: 2 glasses
3/4 Cup Aquafaba (Water from a can of chickpeas, trust me)
1 tsp white vinegar or creme of tartar
2 tsp Vanilla extract
4 tbs White Sugar
300g Dark Chocolate
Plus anything that tickles your fancy for extra flavour, I generally use shredded coconut and fruit
1. Break chocolate up into a bowl and melt in the microwave using 45 second intervals until it's all melted. If your microwave only lets you do 30 second intervals, get a new microwave because yours is crap. I mean it, how do you manage to cook popcorn without that accuracy??????
2. Gently pour the aquafaba, vanilla & vinegar into a bowl (not plastic) or you can just pour it in like an animal.
3. Whip it, whip it, whip it real good until still peaks form.
4. Keep whipping and slowly add the sugar
5. Take a third of the whipped mixture and stir it into the melted chocolate with a spoon.Then once mixed, stir all of it together.
6. Patiently keep folding the mixture until all of the chocolate has combined with the whipped mixture.
7. Pour into serving glasses and place in the fridge for 90 minutes, I know it's a long time to wait for dessert, but with this mixture the longer you leave it, the nicer it tastes. It will keep for about a week...I think, honestly I don't know because I normally just eat it all.
8. Before add some fruit to break up the chocolate-ness.