Coconut Roughs

These fall into the "just happen to be vegan" category. I invented the recipe myself, yep, it came from my brain.
Prep time: 15 mins
Set time: 30 mins
1 Cup Cocoa
1/2 Cup White Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
3/4 Cup Milk (I use Almond/Coconut Blend)
4 tbs Peanut Butter
2 tbs Coconut Oil
1 Cup of Shredded Coconut
1. Mix cocoa, white sugar and brown sugar together in a medium-sized saucepan. You can use a bigger one if you want, I don't care.
2. If you haven't already, turn on the heat to medium. It should be enough to warm it, but not burn. The type of warmth you get from hugging a small animal.
3. Stir, stir, stir until you can sense the whole mixture is warm and then add the milk.
4. Stir again until it's all combined, it should begin to look glossy, kind of like Maccas fudge sauce.
5. When bubbles begin to form put the heat on low and add the peanut butter and coconut oil and keep stirring until they're all mixed together like on happy family.
6. Stir in the coconut.
7. Turn of the heat (I always forget to) and spoon onto a lined baking tray in whatever shape or size your heart desires
8. Place in the fridge (or freezer if you're in a rush) for them to cool and harden like a criminal.
9. Then turn on Netflix and chill while you snack on these yummy little treats.