Arrived! First and hopefully most boring post…

After arriving to Sydney airport late we got onto the plane straight away and had a smooth flight to LA, ended up watching movies I had seen before…man I really love Silver Linings Playbook… Anyway, we arrived in LA successfully, got off the plane and waited in customs for quite a long time and exited the airport with no real indication of how to get to our connecting flight or what time it was leaving. As we were bounced from one gate to another no one who worked there seemed to know where we should be going until we were sent to the right gate and made it the plane realising that we were sitting on the exact same plane we had arrived on. It seemed like the only chance we had to site down was on the actual flight. Once seated the plane pulled out of the gate a bit quieter than usual, turned out this was do to the starter engine failing and we had to sit on the plane for 90 minutes while they replaced it with a new one. At this point I was able to get some sleep, only to wake up 150 minutes later only to find out that we had been further delayed due to a passenger being sick and needing to get off the plane and find her luggage.
We finally arrived at JFK and we were greeted by our lovely driver named Grisela who just couldn’t believe it took 24 hours to fly anywhere! It’s funny how the drive from the airport still didn’t really feel like were in another country, not until we were able to see the Manhattan skyline. Laura and I were a bit disappointed when she informed us that we didn’t sound Australian at all, we were hoping to stand out more over here…
Our apartment is up two narrow stair cases and behind a rackety wooden door. Although its size would be described as quaint, it does seem like a nice place to call home for the next two months.
After we settled in we walked to the corner of 82nd and 2nd where we ate crepes and had our first New York bagel, I had blueberry and Laura had cheese. Very tired at this stage we head home and went to bed, ready to tackle the city and buy essentials in the morning and hopefully a show at night!
Will update again soon, It’ll be less boring….I hope.